
let's see...

Put your iPod/music unit on shuffle. Write down the first 30 songs.

Neko Case -- "The Needle has Landed"
Marvelous 3 -- "Lefty"
the Downliners Sect -- "Everything I've Got to Give"
King Diamond -- "Bye Bye Missy"
the Venus in Furs -- "Tumbling Down"
Morrissey -- "Redondo Beach"
King Diamond -- "Out from the Asylum"
Carter USM -- "G.I. Blues"
Marvelous 3 -- Vampires in Love"
Widowmaker -- "Stand by for Pain"
the Hives -- "Well Well Well"
Dimmu Borgir -- "Spellbound (by the Devil)"
Carter USM -- "A Perfect Day to Drop the Bomb"
the Cars -- "Moving in Stereo"
Necrotic Flesh -- "Postmortem Pleasures (intro)"
Cut Off Your Hands -- "It Doesn't Matter"
Morrissey -- "He Cried"
Neko Case -- "That Teenage Feeling"
the Hives -- "Black Jack"
Neko Case -- "Outro with Bees"
Mariachi el Bronx -- "I Would Die 4 U"
Mastodon -- "Hearts Alive"
the Night Marchers -- "You've Got Nerve"
the Magnetic Fields -- "Courtesans"
Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton -- "The Lottery"
Hank Williams -- "Lost Highway"
Broken Social Scene (presents Kevin Drew) -- "Farewell to the Pressure Kids"
Broken Social Scene -- "Canada vs America"
Morrissey -- "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris"
Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton -- "Doctor Blind"

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