

As the light fades and the city goes to sleep, two forces emerge. They are invisible to us except for the power they exert over us in our sleep. These two groups battle for our souls through our dreams. One force supports our hopes and gives us strength through good dreams. The other force leads us towards desperation through our nightmares.
~~ taken from the Double Edge Films website.

Ink is a wonderful, fresh, sincere entry into the Modern Fantasy canon. It's well~crafted, well thought~out, self~contained, self~realized, and while it can be a bit cliché, it's rather intelligent and never insults the audience by talking down to them or overexplaining the situation. The characters wholeheartedly believe in their world and it's subsequent mythology. The viewer is simply along for the ride.

As with any low budget film, this one is not without its flaws (the fight scenes seemed a bit too ambitious: attempting Zac Snyder on a Roger Corman budget), but it succeeds on far more levels than it stumbles. The acting, the costumes, the visuals, the world where it all takes place....so much of it comes together to an astonshing degree that you can easily overlook whatever may not work.

This one's in very limited release/distribution right now, but if you get a chance to see this one (either in a theatrical setting or later on DVD), I highly recommend it. Unless you don't enjoy films that have slightly more heart and imagination than they do budget.

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