


~~ into town to kill some time before appointment with the podiatrist; realise I left all my insurance info at home; back home; back into town for appointment.

~~ per the podiatrist: all of my recent foot pain/problems stem from tight muscles and tendons which aren't giving much slack to each other. So, I have a twice~daily stretching regiment, heel elevations, orthopedic inserts, and a sleeptime brace to help ease the stress on one of the tendons of my left foot.

~~ late lunch with Mike at Kornblatt's. One day, we will catch them before the salt bagels are gone.

~~ *enormous* apple fritter from Voodoo Doughnut and quick visit with Vadim

~~ darkroom class at Newspace. Printed on fiber paper for the first time. Time consuming, but worth it.


~~ bus ride into SE for therapist appointment, only to be told my appointment is next week.

~~ work

~~ help out with Michael Chabon's reading/event.

~~ series of weird, random txts from some unknown number in Yakima, WA.

~~ guy at bus stop tried scamming me for/out of something; earbuds in and music playing, so didn't hear his speil or react; he walked away.

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