

So much wrapped up in the past two days, it's ridiculous:

~~ Chris Onstad in quasi~Victorian garb and Tony Millionaire as God at Powell's Books: sipping on Budweiser, yelling at fans, and making everyone in their vicinity enjoy themselves and the experience. Regardless of what you might think of their individual work, they are incredibly nice, grounded, approachable guys with personality and wit for days.

Tony Millionaire is God

~~ Met/talked to Wally Lamb, of all people. He was in town as part of the Portland Arts & Lectures series and came in the store in the afternoon to sign some books. He's also an incredibly nice man.

~~ Yummy katsudon for lunch from Samurai Bento.

~~ Last Thursday on Alberta with Mike, and a brief cameo from Mark. Crowds, electronica DJ with a Spinner for a face, an incredible slice and a decent beer (coming from someone who doesn't really like beer) at Al Forno Ferruzza, PB&J thumbprint cookies from a couple of cigarette girls from the 1920s, this thing, untrained fire juggler losing control of his flaming nunchuks and hitting a girl in the crowd, etc.

Weekend, you're next!

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