

Also, it seems a new Obits record has slipped in under the radar.
And it's a good one -- it doesn't cover much new ground since the first one, but the band sounds tighter and more confident as a whole.

some quick reviews

Last weekend, I rented Wes Craven's last offering -- My Soul to Take Take.
What could have been a pretty decent teen slasher film turned out to be little more than Wes Craven trying to remake Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street, by way of Virginia Woolf's The Waves -- a group of teenagers connected through a superfluous "other;" in this case, it's a Freddy Krueger-like mass murderer (the Riverton Ripper) with multiple personalities. The main characters of the story were all born on the night the Ripper supposedly died, and are believed throughout the community to each be an embodiment of one of the Ripper's various personalities.
It starts off interesting and with potential, but loses steam halfway through and then gives up completely by the end, leaving some gigantic plot holes in its wake.

I followed that one up with the Bava/Argento production, Demons.
I don't know why I got it into my head to check this one out; I'd attempted to watch it on numerous occasions, but always gave up about 20 minutes into it. But this time, I stuck it out and kept with it -- and I'm glad I did. While it does move at a slower-than-glacial pace at the beginning, it really picks up after a while and becomes a pretty damn fun, gory mess of a classic. And it even has a killer soundtrack to go along with it.
I recently found out there is a sequel to this one, so I'll probably pick that one up soon.



This is "rough" edit of my final project for my Final Cut Pro / video editing class. We were to edit together a montage, choosing one of four sets of criteria.

Mine is a montage that attempts to tell a story.
It is based on Peter Walsh's dream sequence from Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway. The narration is of the dream sequence, but read from a Russian translation of the text.
I may tweak a few of the cut points throughout the piece, but otherwise it is a done deal, and one that I am happy with the outcome.